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The Bold and the Beautiful
(Amour, Gloire et Beauté)
Précédent  16x44 Suivant
Ep. #3803
Diffusé le : 23/05/2002
Rick tells Deacon that Ridge warned him to watch his back. Deacon realizes that Rick isn't taking the warning seriously and advises Rick not to underestimate Ridge. Massimo assures Sally that it's only a matter of time until Brooke gets what's coming to her. Erica sees that her apartment has been ransacked and is about to call 911 when Ziggy comes to. When they can't find anything missing, Erica freaks and tries to figure out what the intruder was looking for. Distraught, Erica realizes that her mother has found her. Sofia models the first dress in Ridge's new line. Ridge informs Sally and Clarke that he made Forrester Creations and he will be the one to destroy it. Deacon sees Ridge at the Insomnia where Ridge warns him that Forrester Creations is done. Deacon calls Ridge a loser. Ridge is infuriated by Deacon's taunts and notes that Deacon ripped his life apart. (
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