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The Bold and the Beautiful
(Amour, Gloire et Beauté)
Précédent  21x100 Suivant
Ep. #5250
Diffusé le : 15/02/2008
Brooke breaks off the kiss telling Nick that she just can’t do this. Nick tells Brooke that it may not be today, but it is going to happen between them again; they both know it. Brooke pulls away from him, running out of the room. Stephanie is furious to learn that Eric is still sleeping with Donna and swears to invoke pain on Donna like the pain that Stephanie has from the loss of a loved one. Later, Stephanie receives a phone call from a private investigator who tells her that Eric was spotted at a seedy apartment and then gives her the address. Stephanie heads out to catch Eric and Donna in the act. Upon another visit from Bridget, Nick tells her about Brooke turning him down. Nick tells Bridget that until Brooke realizes that she belongs with him and Jack, he will make sure that he does everything in his power to be a good father to Jack. Stephanie arrives at Donna and Eric’s love nest demanding for the couple to open the door. (
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