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General Hospital
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12.26.02 - Thursday
Diffusé le : 26/12/2002
Preview: Felicia works with Sonny and Jason to trap an unsuspecting A.J. Recap: Though Alan refuses to discharge his daughter from the hospital, Skye proceeds to sign herself out. Felicia explains to Sonny why she's beginning to doubt Ida's story. Worried that her lover is headed for a long stretch behind prison walls, Courtney begs Jason to flee Port Charles with her, but he refuses saying he can't run. Meanwhile, on the island, Jax reminds Brenda why contacting Jason would only lead to more trouble for everyone concerned. Speculating that A.J. paid Ida off to lie about Alcazar's murder, Sonny asks Felicia for help in proving his theory. So she asks Mac for help in getting in an interview with the missing witness. Later, Felicia informs Ida, that Sonny has plans to eliminate her before she can testify and advises her to run. An impressed Ric looks on at Kelly's as Carly trades barbs with A.J. Coleman covers for Skye in front of a leery Alan and Monica and leter gets her to admit that (
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