Planning estival des arrivées (nouvelles séries) et retours (pour cause de tournages perturbés) sur la CW :

23 juinIN THE DARK (New Season Premiere Date)

11 juilletWELLINGTON PARANORMAL (Series Debut)

15 juilletCORONER (Season Premiere)

18 juilletDEAD PIXELS (Season Premiere)

26 juilletROSWELL, NEW MEXICO (Season Premiere)

10 aoûtDC’S STARGIRL (Season Premiere)

11 aoûtRIVERDALE (Original Episode)

DYNASTY (Original Episode)

19 aoûtBURDEN OF TRUTH (Season Premiere)

24 aoûtSUPERGIRL (Original Episode)

Life is too short to spend two hours in a state of total exasperation.
Life is too short to spend two hours in a state of total exasperation.