Voici une nouvelle version de VSS, la 0.9.19Et grace à la contribution de kickaha on a le droit à un mode traduction. >> Download << >> Changelog <<

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In this version, there is now the possibility to display a second subtitlefile for translation purpose (no edition allowed).As the timing can be slightly different between two versions, there arespecial symbols ([>>>] and [<<<]) to indicate that subtitles are insertedbefore or after the translated subtitle.Also several subtitles can be merged together in the original version column.You can use the View>Show/Hide Reference VO menu item to show or hide theoriginal version file.This feature (and others below) is a great contribution by kickaha fromitaliansubs.net.Another important feature is that now only the subtitle file is mandatory inprojects, which makes video and audio files optional. Subtitle files can beassociated directly to VSS.* Translation mode (Contribution by kickaha)* Reworked project handling so only the subtitle file is required in projects (video or audio is now optional)* Added View>Show/Hide subtitles menu item to show or add subtitles on video (Contribution by kickaha)* Added search support in the text pipe, you must put the text cursor in it before opening the find dialog (Contribution by kickaha)* Added load support for timing stripped .SRT file in the text pipe (Contribution by kickaha)* Added save support for timing-only .SRT, text is stripped (Contribution by kickaha)* Added columns size and default dictionnary in saved preferences (Contribution by kickaha)* Fixed several bug related to extension handling in backup mode or with unsupported extensions (Contribution by kickaha)* Fixed some project preferences were not immediately saved and could be lost: text pipe filename, dictionary (Contribution by kickaha)

Centralisation des requêtes pour de futures versions :- affichage du nombre d'occurrences trouvées/remplacées (uktar)- possibilité de décaler le sous-titre suivant/précédent quand on "cogne" dessus avec la souris (darksh)- indication de la vitesse de lecture sur le graphe audio (Bbsiocnarf)- basculement rapide entre les différents sous-titres d'un répertoire (NikoMagnus)- sauvegarde de la dernière option utilisée dans le dialogue "Delay" (UnderZero)- modification du FPS (Jesslataree)- déplacement de sous-titres à la souris

Sans oublier le message de KB :http://www.sub-way.fr/index.php?shard=forum&action=g_reply&ID=7394&page=1

Quelques miroirs de téléchargement (la propagation peut prendre un certain temps) :http://coreforge.org/frs/?group_id=29http://www.videohelp.com/tools/VisualSubSynchttp://www.free-codecs.com/download/VisualSubSync.htmhttp://www.digital-digest.com/software/visualsubsync.html