- 06:55 - "Mutt & Jeff" fut le premier comic strip quotidien à succès.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mutt_and_Jeff_%28comic_strip%29

- 36:40 - Edith Day était une actrice américaine notamment connue pour ses rôles dans les comédies musicales.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edith_Day

- The fuck is this? Fucking lip rouge.- I will take care of it immediately.- God fucking damn it.- I will see that they wash them twice.- How hard do I work? The pressure I'm under... Is it too much to ask that if I have a simple goddamn birthday party that the silverware, the crystal... that they be clean?- Nucky, I have taken...- Can I trust you to do anything right? The war, the anti-German bullshit... Did I not stick with you despite all that?- Yes, you...- And this is the fucking thanks I get? This filthy piece of shit that some whore left her cock-smeared lip rouge on?

- These here are my daddy tools.- What are you gonna do with them?- Well... I ain't buildin' no bookcase.