Dialogues : David Mills & Davis RoganScénario : Eric Overmyer & David MillsRéalisation : Simon Cellan Jones

- 07:30 - Lafcadio Hearn était un écrivain irlandais qui prit ensuite la nationalité japonaise sous le nom de Yakumo Koizumi. En 1877, il s'installe en Louisiane à La Nouvelle-Orléans.http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lafcadio_Hearn

- 11:44 - Mitchell Joseph Landrieu est l'ex-lieutenant-gouverneur de la Louisiane et actuel maire de La Nouvelle-Orléans.http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mitch_Landrieu

- 32:13 - http://www.bacchanalwine.com/about-bacchanal/

- 34:26 - Une truite Baquet est une truire surmontée de chair de crabe.http://img864.imageshack.us/img864/98/1troutwithcrabmeatandcrg.jpg

- 41:14 - La U.S. Disaster Mortuary Operational Response Team (DMORT) (= équipe américaine de réponse opérationnelle mortuaire après un désastre) est une équipe américaine constituée de pathologistes, d'anthropologues judiciaires et de dentistes qui étudient les restes humains dispersés lors de crashes d'avion, de déraillements de train, etc.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disaster_Mortuary_Operational_Response_Team

- 44:15 - "A friend with benefits" (= un ami avec des bénéfices) est un(e) ami(e) avec qui on peut coucher sans que ça aille plus loin.http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=friend+with+benefits

> Plus d'annexes (in english) : http://www.nola.com/treme-hbo/index.ssf/2010/05/treme_explained_smoke_my_peace.html

- My only mistake was not running for mayor! 'Cause, you know, the city council isn't much of a platform to really move records. So how do I follow this up?- See, you have a chance to focus on a few key issues. Nagin, Mitch... they're not talking about the real issues.- Real... real issues. That...- The notion of a smaller New Orleans, a smaller footprint. Charity Hospital still closed. They put up fences around the projects. Whole neighborhoods are being written off. Nagin's talking about "Chocolate City," but he's not pressing the feds to bring anybody home; no one is.- Definitely not.- And why won't the feds move?- Because...- Because... if New Orleans gets whiter, the State slides from purple to red.- So we write a song about the smaller footprint.- The culture of New Orleans, that's what's at risk. If they knock out the infrastructure that sustains the culture, then it's gone forever.- Infrastructure... exactly. Sustain... sustaining culture.- Man, you could hide a dead hooker in here and no one would know.- In... infrastructure. So, um, Nothing really rhymes with "infrastructure."

- Meanwhile a bunch of idiot planners are busy running around putting green dots on maps deciding which neighborhoods they think ought to go back to cypress swampland. And, oh yeah, whileno one was looking, they just laid off every single school teacher in Orleans parish because no one's plans apparently included the public school system. So, America, if you're feeling guilty for your Katrina fatigue, I'm here to put things into perspective. It's not all about you. Really. Because down here in the city of misrule, we are always our own worst enemy.