- 18:16 - Le flag football ou flag (football drapeau) est un sport dérivé du football américain où les plaquages sont remplacés par l'arrachage de bandes de tissus ("flag") accrochées à la ceinture des joueurs.http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flag_football

- 22:50 - Cameron "Cam" Michael Neely (né le 6 juin 1965 à Comox au Canada) est un ancien joueur professionnel de hockey sur glace qui évoluait au poste d'ailier droit. Il est actuellement président des Bruins de Boston.http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cam_Neely

- 23:04 - Robert Charles Durman Mitchum est un acteur et chanteur américain qui a joué entre autres dans "Les Copains d'Eddie Coyle".http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Mitchum

- 34:52 - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beer_Nuts

- 37:38 - Wingman = copilote ; celui qui aide son ami à séduire une femme (le plus souvent en allant taper la discute avec les amies qui accompagnent la femme désirée).

- 37:43 - Cockblock = casse-coup ; le mec qui vient faire foirer, volontairement ou pas, le coup de celui qui tente de séduire une femme.

- I read that giant Mickey Mantle biography, which doesn't count as a baseball book because it was mostly about drinking.

- Vietnam, right. What have you got so far?- OK, I have that once we got in, we couldn't get out. And both sides dug their heels in and neither one would let up any ground. And that's basically the main idea, right?- Don't I know it.- What?- We're talking American history here.

- Every time I try to call you to talk about booze or an urge to drink or something about recovery that I desperately need to know, you not only don't pick up, you don't even call me back or text me.- Honey, I can't text. My fingers are too big. I try typing in "What's going on," and it sends out a text saying "Who's blowing Juan?" I can't do it.

- Jesus, we just made 3 chicks in under 45 seconds. That's gotta be some kind of land pussy speed record or something, even for me.- You know what it is? It's not us. It's him.- You know what, you're right, bro. I mean, he is, without a doubt the ultimate wingman. You know, he attracts chicks. He doesn't mess with your game. He won't dominate the conversation, that's for sure, and he can't cock-block you.

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