- 01:35 - Alex Rodriguez, surnommé A-Rod, est un célèbre joueur de baseball d'origine dominicaine.http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alex_Rodriguez

- 01:46 - Vous aurez reconnu Robert Funaro, plus connu sous le nom Eugene Pontecorvo pour les amateurs des Soprano.

- 08:52 - http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doug_Flutie

- 17:21 - Il s'agit en fait sans doute de Peter Tolan, l'ami et collaborateur de Denis Leary, créateurs de "The Job" et "Rescue Me".

- 22:50 - On retrouve l'acteur Lyndon Byers qui joue le rôle de Ryan, membre de l'équipe de hockey du FDNY, qu'on n'avait plus vu depuis le 2.09 - Rebirth. L'acteur était un ancien joueur de hockey sur glace pro.

- 40:56 - http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/TMZ

- What's going on?- Well, guys. This is King Joey III here. Came up with me and Jimmy Keefe. I guess he's down at HQ now. He's got 3 tits, thus the name. You wanna show 'em, Joey? Huh? You still got the third tit, right? It's funny. The third tit, it's kind of weird, too. It's kind of like a midget tit. Oh, and this is inspector Ballpeen?- Balsbaugh.- Baldspot? Ballface?- Balsbaugh.- Yeah, OK. Anyways, you know, you guys both know what I said on TV, a lot of it was true in your heart of hearts, as firemen, which is what you used to be before you started wearing your sunday best to work, you know. Look, guys, I'm out for, like, 30 days. And apparently every time I come in here now, I gotta have 2 jerk-offs who haven't fought fires in, like, 15 years to escort me. You know?Hope you got- Oh, yeah. Here's my I.D. Says, "firefighter" right on it. That's what I do, fight fires and save people. You remember people. They're the ones whose taxes are payin' for your Lincoln town cars, silk ties, and your fancy goddamn computers.- What Gavin was talking about is department policy. Anyone aiding and abetting his unsupervised entry into this firehouse over the next 30 days will face the firm guarantee of suspension and possible fine. Any questions?- Yeah.- Yes, lieutenant?- I'm tryin' to figure something out. It's a technical question, really, but the third tit, the midget tit, did it come with a little midget nipple?- Let's go, Gavin.- what? It's a perfectly legitimate question.

- Your firehouse may be considered the bottom of the barrel right now by the FDNY, but for me, it is a goddamn gold rush.- Well, you know, in Italian, there's a name for people like you.- Really? What's that?- Miserable bitch.- I've got work to do.- Don't forget your broom.

- Thank you. It was an honor to watch 2 fine departments do battle out there together for a great, great cause. Game ended in a tie, deservedly so. Now, let's decide who wins the drinking contest.- Hey, guys, as captain of the police team, some people think a tie game is like kissing your sister... But in honor of those that died on both sides on that fateful day, this seems more like throwin' a friendly arm around all our firefighting brothers.- Now, I just got somethin' to say. Too bad 9/11 wasn't a tie, 'cause the last time I looked, it was firefighters: 343, NYPD: 23.- Hey, screw you, dickface!- Yeah, whatever.