- 08:29 - Référence au pilote qui avait fait poser l'avion sur le fleuve Hudson.http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chesley_Sullenberger

- 20:34 - http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bizarro

- 27:46 - Certains auront reconnu l'acteur Otto Sanchez, qui joue le rôle de Carmen "Chico" Guerra dans la grande série "Oz".![[x]](https://img15.imageshack.us/img15/4407/22405955.jpg)

- You're too modest.- It's funny, you know? I've never really been tested like that before. Didn't fight in a war. Once I went to the seventh game of a World Series and came home on the subway and it was very crowded and hot and disgusting. People were sweating on me. But I maintained my composure. I thought that was a good sign.- Thank God you were on the plane. That's all I have to say.- You could say more.- I could?- Yeah.

- You know what, Larry? I think you're taking the wrong tactic with these women. I really do. I think you have to present who you really are. Otherwise you get stuck.- I did present who I really was-- A phony, a fraud, a prevaricator. I presented who I was.

- Did you hear the fucking idiots talking all the way through as well? Just like "bip bip bip."- You were fantastic.- Really?- In fact, I was able to overhear what the whole to-do was about. Yeah, there was a woman and she took a seat that didn't belong to her. She was a hideous hideous looking person.- I don't think you got a good look, Larry.- I got a great look.- The woman was quite attractive if I recall.- Maybe on some Bizarro planet.

- You know what? I'm looking at your eyes and I see no evidence at all that anybody was crying.- Usually when someone finishes crying they wipe the evidence away there was ever a tear.- And did you wipe it away?- Yes I did. And the evidence for that is in the bin on a tissue.- Oh, is that so?- Check it out, Columbo.

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