- 02:30 - KB reporter vous offre les images du fameux mur, qui est bien plus long que ce qu'on voit sur les tofs. Seulement, y avait des échafaudages à l'époque qui gênaient la prise de vue.http://img801.imageshack.us/img801/7471/p1010809pq.jpghttp://img594.imageshack.us/img594/8296/p1010810h.jpghttp://img713.imageshack.us/img713/5816/p1010811y.jpg

- 03:58 - http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bobby_Orr

- You can't memorialize somebody by plastering their name up on a wall of concrete and steel. You do it by talking about their deeds. You have to remember their faces, their spirit.

- That letter is evidence of the deepest connection that I will ever have with another human being, ever. And you have crossed a very dangerous line.

- Apparently she's also a... fartress.- I saw that movie. Christopher Lambert was in it.- So, let me get this straight, if you guys break up, she would be the Fartress of Solitude.

- Hey, uh, listen, on the best friend front?- Yeah, I'm not blowing you.- Which is why we're never going to get our own reality show.

- Did you type them?- Yeah, I typed them. Who do you know that has a typewriter?- A computer are typewriters, Tom. I know, I know, you're still trying to deal with the concept I know, I know, you're still trying to deal with the concept of a disposable lighter. Um, let me ask you a question. You want me to give these like a proof read so that, you know, so that, you know, Katy doesn't spend 2 days trying to figure out why her dad told her to go truck herself?

Daily Show & Colbert: http://tinyurl.com/TDS-TCR
Daily Show & Colbert: http://tinyurl.com/TDS-TCR
*édité à 20:47 le 20/08/2011 par satirik