- 01:53 - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wiffle_Ball

- 06:27 - http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Steinbrenner - 14:45 - http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bill_Buckner

- To tell you the truth, whenever I see a woman who's happy, she's married. And whenever I see a man who's happy, he's single.

- I'll put the TV on. We'll start watching TV as if we're gonna watch TV. But I'm really gonna try and put moves on you while we're watching TV. That's sort of how I do it. You're not allowed to just say, "Hey, let's have sex." You've got to go around it... Like you're doing something else so you fool the woman. It's like a magic trick. It's sleight of hand. The TV kind of diverts your attention from what the real agenda is. Although, does it really? I mean, you know and I know. I don't know why we have to go through this charade.

- This shit is a moving dildo.- You mean like a horse?- This chair is a fuck machine. Man cannot compete with machinery.- No wonder why she didn't come upstairs.- You're damn right. She was coming downstairs. You get it?- She was coming downstairs. Yes, I get it.- Coming downstairs. Getting her shit off. Whatever the fuck you do, you keep her out of this damn car. You know what this car is? This car is the other fucking man. She is cheating on you with this fucking chair.

- Congratulations, doctor. I think you've stumbled upon the perfect analogy for exactly what you do.

Daily Show & Colbert: http://tinyurl.com/TDS-TCR
Daily Show & Colbert: http://tinyurl.com/TDS-TCR
*édité à 21:23 le 11/09/2011 par satirik