- 06:38 - EMA = Église épiscopale méthodiste africainehttp://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C3%89glise_%C3%A9piscopale_m%C3%A9thodiste_africaine

- 23:22 - Des liens instructifs :http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turkey_in_the_Strawhttp://chnm.gmu.edu/courses/jackson/minstrel/minstrel.html

- 23:33 - Brudder Tambohttp://www.biographi.ca/EN/EN/009004-119.01-f.php?id_nbr=6595

- 32:38 - http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Halva

- How dirty is this town, Nuck?- Is there an honest man in Atlantic City?- Is there a sober reporter at "The Philadelphia Inquirer"?

- You telling me walking around this earth be a moke dressed up like ol' Zip Coon, fine high yaller bitch by his side and he called Chalky White? 'Cause that be the most buckra nigger horseshit I ever hear. What you say to that, Brudder Tambo?- I say you heard my name.- I know you heard mine.

- Why don't you leave off that?- He wants you to shut that flytrap you got hanging down.- Got a cold or something.- So don't be passing it to me.- Where I supposed to go?- He got you there, friend. We's in it together. Now what Dunn Purnsley do? Find that little place up here, can't nobody get to. Hell, I done three years in ankle chains like it was taking a nap. Chalky White know what I'm talking about, don't he? I bet he up there right now. All soft and pillowy, honey bee wife fetching plates of greens, roast beef, reading "Tom Sawyer." Ain't that so, Chalky White?- Might could be.- Oh yeah. Maybe I climb up there with you, jazz that woman up while you be licking the plate.- Well, Buck, you do what you want. Just be you and your right hand anyway.

- I don't see why things got to change. Everybody's getting by.- That all you want from life, Damien?- What else is there?- A pair of balls.

- The whole of this country seem beset by licentiousness and turpitude.- Well, something else not to your liking.- It's none of my concern. My cause is to drive the English invader from a land he has occupied for 800 years. And I assure you, we will succeed. Even if we're martyred all along the way.- That is an extreme position.- Only to those who have forgotten from whence they come.- I know where I'm from, sir. And where I am now.- You're plainspoken for a woman.