- 31:37 - La cour d'appel des États-Unis pour le troisième circuit est une cour d'appel fédérale américaine devant laquelle sont interjetés les appels en provenance des cinq cours de district dont le district de New Jersey.http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cour_d%27appel_des_%C3%89tats-Unis_pour_le_troisi%C3%A8me_circuit

- 48:35 - Mary Pickford, de son vrai nom Gladys Louise Smith était une actrice, productrice et femme d'affaires canadienne, ainsi que la cofondatrice du studio United Artists et de l'Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mary_Pickford

- Unless you have something to say, aside from the fact that God distributes his gifts unequally, this conversation is over.

- I need you to get on your knees. Bend down to the ground and kiss my fucking shoes, you piece of shit. You come crawling back here because you don't have the balls to finish what you started. Fuck that little cocksucker you call a partner. Fuck his conniving cunt of a mother. Fuck that old man. I'll see his corpse in a ditch. And fuck you, brother!

- Harry tells me you're a man I can count on.- I'd certainly like to think so.- So you've talked?- Mr. Thorogood and I have begun a discussion. He's fairly new to the courtroom.- I hope that's not going be an issue.- Only if you don't know where the judge sits.- He's the one in the robe, right?- Very droll.