- 08:17 - En référence à l'histoire légendaire des fondateurs de Rome, Romulus et Rémus. http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Romulus_et_R%C3%A9mus

- If we maintain those odds and he's a late entry? It's unorthodox yes, but there's nothing illegal about it.- Said the spider to the fly.

- Mrs. Schroeder... your...?- Companion.- Yes. How did you two come to meet?- There you go again, asking questions you already know the answers to.- I might not know as much as you think.- You want me to do your job for you?

- So? Nucky Thompson... Such news I should read in the paper?- That's where I read it.- Must we pretend with each other like children?- Why not? You don't miss a chance to refer to me as a boy.- Because a man honors his commitments. I paid you $5,000 for alcohol that I never received.- I don't have it yet.- With a house such as this?- My father's, not mine.- A man once, he comes to my shop with a deer, wants me to cut off the head for $7. So I offer to butcher the animal... Venison steak, sausage, rump roast.- Deers are kosher? I ask on account of Santy Claus... With the reindeers.- This man, this farshtinkener piece of shit, he's not interested in the meat. So I ask him how he come to kill this deer. And he tells me that his friend does the shootin', so that he can have the trophy, a head to hang on his wall. For this alone you kill? To brag to your friends how you've slain this beautiful animal?- I've eaten venison, if that's what you're wondering.- I can see that, boychik. And that you hid behind papa when he pulled the trigger.

- What the fuck did you bring him for?- Manny? He's all right.- He's a pain in my ass.- Well, you do owe him money.- Really? 'Cause he only reminds me about it every five fucking minutes.

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Daily Show & Colbert: http://tinyurl.com/TDS-TCR
*édité à 17:25 le 20/12/2011 par Sixe