- 24:21 - Chuckles est une marque de sucreries.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chuckles

- 48:58 - Allusion à l'Évangile selon Matthieu, chapitre 6, verset 34.http://fr.wiktionary.org/wiki/%C3%A0_chaque_jour_suffit_sa_peine

- 51:58 - Le morceau s'intitule "Farewell Daddy Blues", enregistré en 1924 et interprété par Ma Rainey, qui a donné le titre de ce zode.

- I'm not allowed to speak. I'm not allowed to live. Why does a man get to do anything he wants?- That a girl!

- Well, guess I'll kick things off and--- Get the fuck out of here.- It's my office.- I'll change that if it's the last thing I do.

- So you go to him? Over your father?- I'm the one who can fix it.- He was supposed to amount to something.- He's still going to.- What? A man in an empty hotel pointing a gun at his brother?- I did it for the family.- You don't have a family. I do. Now you want that, too. Nothing will fill that hole you got inside. Don't you know that yet?

- Your, um, compatriot Garvey. He thinks you should all return to Africa.- That would be an oversimplification of his philosophy.- What am I missing?- I doubt that I could make you to understand.- You seem to be a clever fellow. Who do you think gets to decide what the truth is?- Truth is what those in power wish it to be.