Diffusé le : 26/09/1990
A drug raid leads to the arrest of Tyrone Weeks and Patricia Spence. Patricia (Patty) has an infant baby girl who is remanded to child welfare. During their preliminary hearing, Tyrone is set free on his own recognizance due to overcrowding of L.A. County's jails. He later kills Officer Gilbert Braden, partner of Officer Frank Rose.Officer Vicki Hill takes pity on Patty Spence and convinces Captain Hollander to pull strings to have her released and to have the baby, Crystal, returned to her. Vicki is also contending with a lovesick partner, Officer Andy Campo, and a jealous husband, forensics expert Ralph Ruskin.Detective Vincent LaRusso forcibly coerces the identity of the man who killed Gilbert Braden from an accomplice while his partner, Detective W. Donnie Potts, looks on. Later, LaRusso fakes an injury to gain juror's sympathy while testifying against a drug dealer.Chief of Police Roger Kendrick blames the mayor and her policies for the death of Gilbert Braden and gives a