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Sujet n°44640 créé le 09/01/2015 à 17:53 par Skynet - Vu 1235 fois par 224 utilisateurs
Pages : 1
Message n° 4036547, posté à 17:53 le 09/01/2015  

Diffusé le : 07/01/2015


The series begins with Becca (Laura Ramsey) on the eve of her second wedding. It all seems perfect this time around, but she is still plagued by doubt. What if she could fix everything, and make the 'right' choices this time? Becca finds herself thinking about her former best friend Lolly (Sarah Goldberg), with whom she had a falling out many years ago. If only she could talk to her once again... Suddenly, after a freakish elevator ride, Becca gets the opportunity to do just that as she wakes up in New York City on the morning of her first wedding day in 1995. She's about to marry Sean (Craig Horner), a bad-boy artist who is all wrong for her - and she knows her first move must be to reconnect with Lolly to re-live that day. Can she 'make it right' by living her life all over while readapting to life in New York City in the 90's - a time of smoking in bars, carrying pagers, having an AOL

Message n° 4036548, posté à 17:53 le 09/01/2015  
Pitits débuts. Faudra voir avec le prochain épisode de ce qu'il en est vraiment.

Message n° 4038692, posté à 20:46 le 13/01/2015  
A peu près le même sentiment. J'ai envie de dire, pourquoi pas ? Faut voir comment ça se dévellope.

-= Lok & NorBAC & Strike Team: Our Gang & La Fabrique =-
-= Showtime: The Best Shit on TV =-
-= I am here because of Ashley. =-
Message n° 4061246, posté à 14:04 le 18/03/2015  
Pour le plaisir du best of des années 90.
... et le frère est mignon.

Pages : 1
Liste des sujets \ Hindsight (2015) 101

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