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Sujet n°47552 créé le 26/02/2016 à 14:58 par Skynet - Vu 1079 fois par 314 utilisateurs
Pages : 1
Message n° 4152466, posté à 14:58 le 26/02/2016  
Episode 8

Diffusé le : 24/02/2016

In an episode that features interviews with real-life Columbine teachers, along with parents and victims of LGBT bullying, Leyland High School mourns the loss of one of their own, while Leslie finds her job on the line in the aftermath of the tragedy; Curt tries to file a missing person’s report with the police when he suspects his estranged wife, Lilah, has run off with their son, Peter, after she blames him for son Eric’s sexuality; Becca makes a startling confession to Dan; and Sebastian reaches out to Anne in an attempt to help her bring retribution to those who caused her son Taylor’s downfall.

Message n° 4152467, posté à 14:58 le 26/02/2016  
Magnifique. L'intégration de témoignages apporte beaucoup à cet épisode.

Message n° 4153012, posté à 19:31 le 28/02/2016  
Ça me brise le coeur...
Juste brillant, épisode après épisode.

Pages : 1
Liste des sujets \ American Crime 208

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