- Lost (Saison 6)- Scrubs (Saison 9)- Better Off Ted (Saison 2)- Castle (Saison 2)- Brothers & Sisters (Saison 4)- Grey's Anatomy (Saison 6)- Ugly Betty (Saison 4)- Private Practice (Saison 3)- Desperate Housewives (Saison 6)- Greek (Saison 3)

- Roommates (ABC Family)- The Unusuals.- Life From Mars - Boston Legal- Pushing Daisies - Dirty Sexy Money - Eli Stone- Samantha Who ? - Surviving Suburia - Cupid - In the motherhood

- Happy Town- The Associates- The Forgotten- Eastwick- Cougar Town- The Middle- V- Hank- Flash Forward- Modern Family