- 07:10 - "Fuck" et ses variantes sont interdits sur les networks et FX, chaîne du câble basic ; seulement autorisé sur le câble premium."Fuck", "goddamn", "shit", "asshole"... sont interdits sur les networks ou chaînes non câblées, ce qui est le cas de la chaîne fictive qui passe le reportage, d'où les "bip".

> dans le 1.10 - "Immortal" à un "fucking asshole" de la part d'un conducteur quand Tommy traverse un carrefour comme un malade avant d'être arrêté par Collins, flic qui joue dans l'équipe de hockey du NYPD ;> dans le 2.06 - "Reunion" à un "cocksucker", sans doute transformé "officiellement" en un "cock sucker" dénué de tout caractère homophobe, de la part de Jimmy après avoir foutu une méchante golden à Tommy qui venait d'apprendre la fausse couche de Sheila dans le cabinet de son gynéco ;> dans le 4.01 - "Babyface" avec Eddie qui dit à Tommy à l'oreille : "I don't want you fucking this up" lors de l'audition au sujet de l'incendie de la baraque de Sheila ;> dans le 4.07 - "Seven" avec Needles : "Nils, get that goddamn fucking closer" lors du fameux incendie.> dans le 5.20 - "Zippo" avec Tommy qui dit à Janet : "You fucking with me?" (avec un volume audio (très) faible).

- 15:04 - Clin d'oeil, faut-il le rappeler, au "Parrain II", Michael à Fredo : "You're my older brother, and I love you. But don't ever take sides with anyone against the Family again ever."

- 36:40 - "Bridezilla" (= Fiancéenstein) est un mot-valise de "bride" (= mariée) et "Godzilla" désignant une future mariée difficile, désagréable et perfectionniste.http://forum.aufeminin.com/forum/mariage1/__f310505_mariage1-La-bridezilla.htmlhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bridezilla

- I'll tell you something else, I'm sick and tired of hearing people talk about us like we're glorified garbage men. But you know what? Next time your house catches on fire or somebody in your family gets hurt or whatever, you know what? Instead of calling us, call the fucking garbage truck. I'm done! Fuck you! And fuck you!

- Your wife has a vagina. Sheila has a vagina. Kelly has a vagina. Your daughters have vaginas. Tommy, you're surrounded by vaginas on all sides, which is probably the reason why I believe you've grown one all your own. Because you're no longer thinking with your cock. You're thinking with your vag.

- That happens to chicks, bro. That's why they invented the douche, you know?- I thought they invented that so we'd have something to call you.- Ha, very funny. Then figure it out yourself.- No, I'm sorry. I'm just kidding. It's not her vagina, alright? I got plenty of experience with rank vagina, OK.- Oh that's right. You were married to Maggie.- Yeah, no surprisingly that wasn't one of her issues actually. But could you stop bringing it up, please? How many times I gotta ask you?- Sore subject?- Yeah.- That's exactly why I brought it up, dude.- OK. Hardy har har. Touché. Or should I say, douché.

- First, I never fart with a new chick until like the 4th date--3rd date maybe. Second off, I have never in my life farted the smell of a rotting corpse, bro. I'm telling you I would have to eat a dead guy who just ate Indian food and then shit his pants in order to fart a dead guy who just ate Indian food and then shit his pants in order to fart a smell that bad. That's how bad it was.

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