- 05:17 - http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/L%27Arnaque

- Hey, what are you doing? I'm standing here. I was here first.- I don't care. I'm getting the cab.- What, you upstream me?- Everybody upstreams, you idiot. You don't stand there like a jackass.- That's anarchy. We need some rules!

- I don't like trainers, not into them. I don't like being told what to do.- Yeah, right. That's why you married Susie? 'Cause she doesn't tell you what to do.- All right, I got the point. I got the point.- No wonder why you don't like being told what to do.- What I was saying was I don't like trainers 'cause I don't want more people...- You don't want more people telling you what to do.- Yeah, that's what it is.

- I got this fantastic trainer- Terry. I couldn't even hold a glass a few weeks ago 'cause of my elbow. He fixed my elbow. He fixed my shoulder. The guy's great.- I'm looking for somebody. Why don't you send me his information?- He's gonna change your life.- All right.- You know, life that sorely needs changing.- Oh, stop it.- Well, email me his information.- I will email it to you.- I'm still at the same email- ihatelarry.