- 20:17 - Est fait référence ici à l'incendie de l'entrepôt frigorifique de Worcester, Massachusetts, qui a emporté le cousin de Denis Leary, le soldat du feu Jeremiah "Jerry" Lucey et son ami d'enfance, le lieutenant Thomas "Tommy" Spencer. Denis Leary créera alors la Leary Firefighters Foundation, fournissant du matos aux casernes, notamment celles de La Nouvelle-Orléans après l'ouragan Katrina, aidant financièrement les familles des 343 pompiers tués lors du 11-Septembre. On avait déjà eu un clin d'oeil à cet incendie dans le 4.03 - "Commitment", avec le suicide du chef Jerry Reilly, joué par l'acteur Jack McGee qui a travaillé longtemps au FDNY.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Worcester_Cold_Storage_Warehouse_fire

- 29:12 - L'acteur Michael Lombardi a le visage d'un chef indien tatoué sur l'épaule. L'épisode 5.15 - "Initiation" présentait les origines indiennes de Mike Silletti, qui évoquait son groupe Apache Stone, qui existe vraiment.

- Kids, go get some ice cream.- I don't want ice cream.- Then go to the movies.- There's nothing to see.- Then go shopping.- There.- And buy what, a sock?- There you go, then.- How long do you want us to be gone for?- At least an hour.- How about one hour or $1,000, whichever comes first?- Well, how about you charge one cent over $100, and you don't have to worry about coming home?

- Let me ask you, you in love with the job?- Yeah.- You don't sound so certain.- No. I like it, all right? I like it a lot.- Like is not good enough.- OK. I love it.- How much?- I don't know. This much.- Wise guy. You love it as much as you love pussy?- No. I mean, come on. Who does?- Tommy. Tommy Gavin does. You put Tommy Gavin in a room with Jennifer Lopez. She's buck naked, raring to go. He's gonna lose interest after a while. You light that same room on fire, whoa, he's gonna have a hard-on the size of the Empire State Building. You, you're gonna be very, very afraid.- Of the fire or J.Lo?- Probably both.

- I've been on this job long enough to know that youth is definitely wasted on the young... young, dumb, and full of come...

- We were thinking, like, a bike or a jogging path in Pat's name or, you know, something, like, in a park or something.- Yo, thinking small potatoes, son. You want to pay tribute to the man, you got to think big potatoes, Mike, you know? Like, get him a tunnel, you know, or a highway in his name, you know... Pat Mahoney bridge. Now, that shit sings, man.- Eh, that's a bad idea, son. You don't want nothing to do with transportation. Trust me on that. People will be in their cars, cursing the guy's name. "Traffic on the goddamn Patrick Mahoney Bridge is a goddamn bitch." Like, you know, when they changed the Triborough to the RFK bridge, I mean, I swear to God they might as well have just dug the man up and shot him again.

- Yo, Hef, what's up with the robe, man?- What? What are you talking about, this old thing? Check it out, huh? Pretty sweet.- No man should ever wear a robe ever.- Especially in the presence of other men.- How about in, like, a spa?- Yeah. A spa is all right, you know, because if you're in a spa, you're not really a man, anyway, so it's cool.- Guys, it was getting a little drafty in here, all right? I decided to take action.- You look like a mental patient, dude.- Bro, it's freezing in here. How can you not feel that? I mean, look at you, Black Shawn. Your nipples are popping out like a couple of frozen Hershey kisses.- Let's not talk about my nipples, all right?- It's not just your nipples. It's you, too, Frankie, and you. My God, look at those things. You could carve your name in the mirror with those puppies. We're all nipping, boys, like Denise Richards on an ice fishing trip without a sweater.- Goddamn, Garrity.- What?- Our nipples might be popping, but your dick has disappeared into your body like a frightened, little turtle.- You know what? That's not funny. I just said it was cold.- It ain't that cold.