- 13:35 - The Original Pinettes Brass Band est une fanfare exclusivement féminine.http://www.offbeat.com/2012/07/01/the-original-pinettes-brass-band-brass-pop/

- 32:51 - Willie Horton est un prisonnier américain qui, pendant qu'il purgeait une peine de prison à perpétuité incompressible pour le meurtre d'un employé de 17 ans d'une station-service, obtenut une permission un week-end dans le cadre d'un programme de réhabilitation du Massachusetts ; Willie Horton ne revint pas de sa permission et commit plus tard une agression, une attaque à main armée et un double viol.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Willie_Horton

- 36:10 - Lionel Ferbos est un trompettiste de jazz de La Nouvelle-Orléans né le 17 juillet 1911. À 102 ans, il est le musicien de jazz le plus âgé à NOLA.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lionel_Ferbos

- 36:36 - La Work Projects Administration ou WPA (créée sous le nom de Works Progress Administration) était la principale agence instituée dans le cadre du New Deal. Elle fut créée le 6 mai 1935, par un ordre présidentiel (le Congrès la finança, mais ne la mit pas en place). La WPA employait des millions d'Américains, et son influence s'étendait à la quasi-totalité des localités, essentiellement dans les régions montagneuses et rurales de l'ouest du pays. La WPA compléta la Federal Emergency Relief Administration mise en place sous Hoover, et maintenue sous la présidence de Franklin Roosevelt. Sous la direction de Harry Hopkins, la WPA avait pour objectif de fournir des emplois et des revenus aux chômeurs, victimes de la Grande Dépression.http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Work_Projects_Administration

- 54:59 - Les Pinette jouent "This Little Light of Mine", une chanson de gospel pour enfants composée dans les années 20.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/This_Little_Light_of_Mine

> Plus d'annexes (in english) : http://www.nola.com/treme-hbo/index.ssf/2012/11/treme_explained_poor_mans_para.html

- I don't want you giving up on this music thing. You got potential.- My sisters had potential. They scored high on their tests, but they never finished high school. Coaches told my brother he had potential, too, that he could play college ball if he stuck with it. Ronald's still working towards his G.E.D. Everyone I know got potential. I'm doing what I can now, Mr. Batiste.

- Table 4, another Feeny freebie.- Friends of Tim. It's hard to turn the tables when they show up in clumps like that.- Yeah. They'll be here a few hours. And it will be comped, of course. You think they're gonna tip old Derek when Mr. Tim reaches for the tab? Hell no. A Laurel and Hardy handshake is what I'd get.- A place like this just collects assholes. Nature of the beast.- Same thing in the theater. You do something nice, noble-like, entertain a few folks, bring a little light into the darkness, and someone always drops a big Cleveland steamer in the punch bowl.

- Hey, I heard you were working with Liguori and Branson on that jazz center plan.- You know will Branson?- Yeah. Let's just say we worked on a plan to try to bring the jazz center to the Hyatt Hotel by City Hall. Been down that road.- Yeah, I remember that. What happened with that?- I went to school. Learned about politics... how it works and how it don't work.- Damn, that bad?- Well, maybe you'll have better luck.- I don't know. This guy Branson came to one of my gigs. I guess he liked the record I put out with my father. Asked me to consult on whatever they're doing over at Armstrong Park. It ain't like I can't use the money, you know?- They rope you into anything yet?- What you mean rope?- Look, you want to work with the people making stuff happen, then that's who they are. But, well, you know how we New Orleans people are anytime somebody try to do some new shit. What are we gonna play next set, man?