- 09:10 - Le principe d'une barre de glace, semblable à une sucette, enrobée de chocolat, a été inventé en 1922 par Christian K. Nelson. Il appelle son invention "Eskimo pies" et la brevète le 24 janvier 1922 aux États-Unis.http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Esquimau_%28marque%29

- 13:18 - L'expédition Lewis et Clark (de 1804 à 1806) est la première expédition américaine à traverser les États-Unis à terre jusqu'à la côte Pacifique. Meriwether Lewis et William Clark sont les chefs de l'expédition et donneront leur nom à celle-ci.http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exp%C3%A9dition_Lewis_et_Clark

- Has this ever been used?- It is ceremonial, as far as I know, but there is a first time for everything, Mr. Madden.

- Did you want something?- I ask if you call.- Yes, yes, I did. I spoke to Mr. Roebuck himself. He apologized profusely and told me he would send a dozen of his top men over immediately to remedy the situation to our total satisfaction.- Really? This is true?- No. This is sarcasm.

- So what are you waiting for? Kill him.- At the very least, I wanted to extend you the courtesy of obtaining your permission.- Do I get a cut?- That's a rather callous attitude.- He's an imbecile whom I'd be glad to be rid of.- I was under the impression Mr. Doyle was an integral part of your organization.- Not half a million integral.- Make me an offer.- To not kill him? How's a plug nickel sound?

- You know my wish is never to involve you, to keep you separate. Above the muck that I have walked through here in Babylon, where we each of us have been exiled.- I know.- The things I do, just simply to stand up and look my equals in the eye.- They are not your equals.- Then why must I struggle?- You will be clothed in glory.- How well I've trained you.

- What?- Who built this house?- It's late.- Who built it?- You did.- Who pays the bills?- You do.- Who's holding $1,000 in his hand?- You are.- Who am I?- You are my husband.- My name is Nelson van Alden. Take off your nightgown.

Daily Show & Colbert: http://tinyurl.com/TDS-TCR
Daily Show & Colbert: http://tinyurl.com/TDS-TCR
*édité à 22:45 le 11/11/2013 par satirik