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The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001)
Connectez-vous pour noter ce film.
Genre :
SF / Fantastique Action Aventure
Durée : 179 min
Sortie le :
19/12/2001 (France)
19/12/2001 (États-Unis)
Réalisé par Peter Jackson
Le jeune hobbit Frodon Sacquet hérite d'un anneau. Il s'agit de l'Anneau Unique, instrument de pouvoir absolu qui permettrait à Sauron, de régner sur la Terre du Milieu et de réduire en esclavage ses peuples… À moins que Frodon et ses fidèles compagnons ne parviennent à emporter l'Anneau jusqu'en Mordor, lieu où il a été forgé, et à le détruire pour toujours…
Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003) Theatrical Trailer [4K] [FTD-1241]
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring Wins Visual Effects: 2002 Oscars
Afficher plus de vidéos 

Middle Earth Costume Design
One Ring to Rule Them All
Lord of the Rings The Fellowship of the Ring Appendices (Part 1)
Lord of the Rings The Fellowship of the Ring Appendices (Part 2)
The Lord Of The Rings: The Fellowship Of The Ring - 10 Minute Preview - Warner Bros. UK
Official Trailer
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001) Final Trailer
Teaser 2
Teaser 1
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring Official Trailer #2 - (2001) HD
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring Official Trailer #1 - (2001) HD
Casting :

Frodo :

Gandalf :

Aragorn :

Sam :

Bilbo :
Suite du casting

Frodo :

Gandalf :

Aragorn :

Sam :

Bilbo :

Arwen :

Saruman :

Boromir :

Pippin :

Merry :

Gimli :

Legolas :

Galadriel :

Elrond :

Gollum :

Celeborn :

Haldir :

Lurtz :

Witch-King :

Sauron :

Elendil :

Gil-Galad :

Isildur :

Everard Proudfoot :

Rosie Cotton :

Barliman Butterbur :

Bounder :

Gondorian Archivist :

Farmer Maggot :

Gate Keeper :

Cute Hobbit Child :

Cute Hobbit Child :

The Ring (voice) :
Hero Orc / Goblin / Uruk-hai / Ringwraith :

Hero Orc / Goblin / Uruk-hai / Ringwraith :

Hero Orc / Goblin / Uruk-hai / Ringwraith :
Hero Orc / Goblin / Uruk-hai / Ringwraith :

Hero Orc / Goblin / Uruk-hai / Ringwraith :
Hero Orc / Goblin / Uruk-hai / Ringwraith :
Hero Orc / Goblin / Uruk-hai / Ringwraith :

Hero Orc / Goblin / Uruk-hai / Ringwraith :
Hero Orc / Goblin / Uruk-hai / Ringwraith :
Hero Orc / Goblin / Uruk-hai / Ringwraith :
Hero Orc / Goblin / Uruk-hai / Ringwraith :

Albert Dreary / Painting of Bungo Baggins (uncredited) :

Figwit (uncredited) :
Hobbit (uncredited) :

Hobbit (uncredited) :
Hobbit (uncredited) :
Hobbit (uncredited) :

Hobbit (uncredited) :
Hobbit Band Member (uncredited) :

Kissing Hobbit (uncredited) :
Party Hobbit (uncredited) :
Party Hobbit (uncredited) :
Village Female Hobbit (uncredited) :
Cute Hobbit Child (uncredited) :
Cute Hobbit Child (uncredited) :
Cute Hobbit Child (uncredited) :

Witch-King (uncredited) :

Ringwraith (uncredited) :

Burning Ringwraith (uncredited) :

Ring King of Men (uncredited) :

Ring King of Men (uncredited) :

Ring Dwarf-Lord (uncredited) :
Ring Dwarf-Lord (uncredited) :

Rivendell Elf (uncredited) :
Rivendell Elf (uncredited) :
Last Alliance Elf / Rivendell Elf (uncredited) :
Last Alliance Elf / Rivendell Elf (uncredited) :
Last Alliance Elf (uncredited) :
Council Elf (uncredited) :
Council Elf (uncredited) :

Council Man (uncredited) :
Council Man / Orc (uncredited) :
Council Elf / Lothlorien Elf (uncredited) :
Lothlorien Elf (uncredited) :

Lothlorien Elf / Goblin / Uruk-hai (uncredited) :

Gondorian Citizen (uncredited) :
Arms of Gollum (uncredited) :

Hand of Gollum (uncredited) :
Cave Troll (uncredited) :

Goblin (uncredited) :
Goblin (uncredited) :
Goblin (uncredited) :
Goblin (uncredited) :

Goblin / Orc / Uruk-hai (uncredited) :

Goblin / Orc / Uruk-hai (uncredited) :
Isengard Orc Blacksmith (uncredited) :
Isengard Orc Blacksmith (uncredited) :
Isengard Orc Blacksmith (uncredited) :

Khai (uncredited) :

Refugee / Orc (uncredited) :
Orc (uncredited) :

Orc / Uruk-hai (uncredited) :

Isengard Orc / Last Alliance Soldier / Morgul Orc / Uruk-hai (uncredited) :
Uruk-hai at Amon Hen (uncredited) :
Uruk-hai (uncredited) :
Uruk-hai (uncredited) :

Uruk-hai (uncredited) :
Uruk-hai (uncredited) :
Uruk-Hai (uncredited) :

Uruk-hai (uncredited) :
Uruk-hai (uncredited) :
Uruk-hai (uncredited) :

Uruk-hai (uncredited) :

Uruk-hai (uncredited) :

Uruk-hai (uncredited) :

Uruk-hai (uncredited) :

Uruk-hai (uncredited) :
Discuter du film :
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