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Return of the Jedi (1983)
Connectez-vous pour noter ce film.
Genre :
SF / Fantastique Action Aventure
Durée : 132 min
Sortie le :
19/10/1983 (France)
25/05/1983 (États-Unis)
Réalisé par Richard Marquand
L'Empire galactique est plus puissant que jamais : la construction de la nouvelle arme, l’Étoile de la Mort, menace l'univers tout entier... Arrêté après la trahison de Lando Calrissian, Han Solo est remis à l'ignoble contrebandier Jabba Le Hutt par le chasseur de primes Boba Fett. Après l'échec d'une première tentative d'évasion menée par la princesse Leia, également arrêtée par Jabba, Luke Skywalker et Lando parviennent à libérer leurs amis. Han, Leia, Chewbacca, C-3PO et Luke, devenu un Jedi, s'envolent dès lors pour une mission d'extrême importance sur la lune forestière d'Endor, afin de détruire le générateur du bouclier de l’Étoile de la Mort et permettre une attaque des pilotes de l'Alliance rebelle. Conscient d'être un danger pour ses compagnons, Luke préfère se rendre aux mains de Dark Vador, son père et ancien Jedi passé du côté obscur de la Force.
Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi (1983) 35mm film trailer, scope 4K
Star Wars: Return of the Jedi
Afficher plus de vidéos 

Episode VI: Return of the Jedi: Trailer - Star Wars
Star Wars: Return of the Jedi - Trailer
Return of the Jedi: Theatrical Trailer 1982
Return of the Jedi: Original Teaser Trailer (1982)
Theatrical Trailer
Trailer 1
Casting :

Luke Skywalker :

Han Solo :

Princess Leia :

Lando Calrissian :

C-3PO :
Suite du casting

Luke Skywalker :

Han Solo :

Princess Leia :

Lando Calrissian :

C-3PO :

Chewbacca :

Anakin Skywalker :

The Emperor :

Yoda (voice) :

Darth Vader (voice) :

Darth Vader :

Ben 'Obi-Wan' Kenobi :

R2-D2 / Paploo :

Moff Jerjerrod :

Admiral Piett :

Bib Fortuna :

Wedge :

Admiral Ackbar :

General Madine :

Mon Mothma :

Wicket :

Boba Fett :

Oola :
Sy Snootles :

Teebo :
Chief Chirpa :

Ewok Warrior :
Ewok Warrior :

Nicki :
Jhoff, a traffic control officer on the Executor :

Stardestroyer Controller #2 :

Stardestroyer Captain #1 :

Stardestroyer Captain #2 :
Ewok Tokkat :
Ewok :
Ewok :
Ewok :
Ewok :
Ewok :
Ewok :
Ewok :
Ewok :
Ewok :
Ewok :

Romba an Ewok :
Ewok :
Ewok :
Ewok :

Ewok Wicket's younger brother Widdle :
Ewok :
Ewok :

Ewok :
Ewok Wijunkee :
Ewok :

Ewok :
Ewok :
Ewok :

Ewok :
Ewok :
Ewok :

Ewok :
Ewok :
Ewok :
Ewok :
Ewok :
Ewok :
Ewok :
Ewok :

Ewok :

Ewok :
Ewok :
Ewok :
Ewok :
Ewok :
Ewok :
Ewok :
Ewok :
Ewok :
Ewok :
Ewok :
Ewok :
Ewok :
Ewok :
Ewok Graak :
Ewok :
Ewok :

Ewok :

Ewok :
Ewok :
Ewok :
Ewok :
Ewok :

Ewok :
Ewok :

Salacious B. Crumb :
Max Rebo :

Nien Nunb :
Ak-rev :
Major Olander Brit - Rebel (uncredited) :

Bib Fortuna (voice) :

Nein Nunb :

Nein Numb (voice) :

Droopy McCool :
Amanaman :
Gameorrean Guard/Elom/Mon Calamari :
Attark the Hoover :
Yuzzum :

Tessek :
Hermi Odle :
Whiphid :
Whiphid :

Rancor :
Jabba the Hutt :

Jabba the Hutt :

Captain Yorr - Imperial Pilot of ST321 :

Lieutenant Endicott - Imperial Officer (uncredited) :

Barada / Stormtrooper / Biker Scout (uncredited) :
Amanaman - Jabba's Bounty Hunter (uncredited) :

Malakili - Rancor Keeper (uncredited) :

'Freeze' Officer in Endor Bunker / Tortured Power Droid (voice) :

Dengar - The Bounty Hunter (uncredited) :

Female X-Wing Fighter Pilot (uncredited) :

Storm Trooper (uncredited) :

Imperial Officer (uncredited) :
Ephant Mon (uncredited) :

Biker Scout Pushed Off Bike (uncredited) :
X-Wing Fighter (uncredited) :

Ewok (uncredited) :
Imperial Officer - Executor (uncredited) :

Giran - Rancor Keeper (voice) (uncredited) :
Death Star Trooper Jad Bean (uncredited) :
Gamorrean Guard (uncredited) :
Captain Yutani - Rebel Soldier (uncredited) :

Stormtrooper (uncredited) :
Council Member in Briefing Room (uncredited) :
Hermi Odle - Jabba's 2nd Servant (uncredited) :
Taym Dren-garen / Biker Scout / Sergeant Bruckman (uncredited) :

Imperial Commander (uncredited) :
Rancor Guard / Rebel Ranger (uncredited) :
Weequay Skiff Guard (uncredited) :
Janus Greejatus - Emperor Palpatine's Advisor (uncredited) :

Lieutenant Telsij - Grey Squadron (uncredited) :
Sim Aloo - Emperor Palpatine's Advisor (uncredited) :
Rayc Ryjerd - Jabba's Smuggler (uncredited) :

Skiff Master / Yotts Orren / Stormtrooper / Biker Scout :
Imperial Officer (uncredited) :

Maj. Marquand - AT-ST Driver / EV-9D9 (voice) (uncredited) :

Arvel Crynyd (uncredited) :

Keir Santage (Red Seven) (uncredited) :
Jess - Female Musician flirting with Bib Fortuna (uncredited) :
A-Wing Pilot (uncredited) :

Y-Wing Pilot (uncredited) :

Rebel Council Member in Briefing Room (uncredited) :
Rennek (uncredited) :

Lt. Watts - AT-ST Driver (uncredited) :

Vedain - Sand Skiff Pilot (uncredited) :
Klaatu (uncredited) :

Karie Neth - Y Wing Pilot, Grey Squadron (uncredited) :
X-Wing Pilot (uncredited) :

Stormtrooper (uncredited) :

Boba Fett (voice) (uncredited) :
Discuter du film :
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