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 1x01 Suivant
Episode 1
Diffusé le : 04/01/2010
Yoo-gyeong has been a chef assistant at the La Spera restaurant for three years. After enduring long hours and low pay for three long years, she brims with hope that she'll finally get promoted and become a chef. One day, she is crossing the street while holding a bag with a live goldfish in it when a stranger bumps into her, making her drop the bag on the pavement. But the stranger, who is Hyun-wook, helps her rescue the goldfish and this makes Yoo-gyeong feel grateful for his help. But she soon finds out that Hyun-wook is the newly-hired head chef at La Spera. He turns out to be a dominating boss and Yoo-gyeong gets fed up with his petulant attitude... (
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