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Episode 2
Diffusé le : 05/01/2010
Yoo-gyeong and Hyun-wook meet again at the same crosswalk where they bumped into each other by accident. After telling Yoo-gyeong that she's fired, Hyun-wook asks her out on a date, which bewilders Yoo-gyeong. When Yoo-gyeong starts to yell at Hyun-wook for his awful behavior, he takes off and leaves her all by herself. Reporting to work the next day, Hyun-wook finds Yoo-gyeong sleeping in his locker. Hyun-wook decides to change the chef's lunch special to cream spaghetti with shrimp all of a sudden. Seok-ho, a chef who has seniority at La Spera, decries the sudden change to the lunch menu and thinks Hyun-wook is acting rashly without informing them in advance of the changes. Hyun-wook ignores Yoo-gyeong and doesn't give her any work to do in the kitchen. As the orders pour in, the chefs strain to fill each order. With the kitchen in total disarray, Hyun-wook storms out and starts going from one table to the next in search of somebody. He finally finds who he's looking for. (
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