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Episode 4
Diffusé le : 12/01/2010
When Hyun-wook opens his eyes to see the person he chose through the blind test, he is stunned to see Yoo-gyeong before him. Yoo-gyeong is overjoyed and asks Hyun-wook to repeat the words, “You're hired.” Later in the day, Hyun-wook calls Yoo-gyeong to the kitchen and gives her some tough training on how to cook Italian food. Yoo-gyeong isn't fazed as she endures his impatient instructions and even requests that he teach her in this same manner in their next session. Hyun-wook tells his kitchen staff that he's not finished with culling the workforce. He then banishes foie gras and pickles from the menu offerings. Seok-ho and the younger chefs have a talk with Hyun-wook to protest the decision because it would probably lead to a drop in restaurant sales. However, Hyun-wook doesn't budge from his decision. Yoo-gyeong, who is in charge of procuring the pickles, is put in an awkward situation where she has to choose sides between Hyun-wook and Seok-ho. Mr. Seol, a food supplier to La Spera, asks Yoo-gyeong to stock his pickles in the refrigerator that is accessible from the restaurant hallway. (
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