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Episode 5
Diffusé le : 18/01/2010
Yoo-gyeong confesses to everyone that kickbacks for retaining Mr. Seol as their egg supplier were wired to her bank account but she maintains that she didn't take a cent and asks Hyun-wook to believe her. So Hyun-wook takes Yoo-gyeong with her to meet Mr. Seol to learn the truth of the matter. Hyun-wook and Gwang-tae are stunned to hear that Mr. Seol also knew that Yoo-gyeong received the kickbacks. Riding in a truck with Hyun-wook on her way home, Yoo-gyeong looks utterly miserable. Then they bump into San and Sae-young. San hands an apartment rental contract to Sae-young and asks her if she could share the apartment with one of the restaurant workers. The Italian ambassador to Korea and several diplomats visit La Spera together with Sae-young. The ambassador orders bongole pasta just as Yoo-gyeong predicted. (
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