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Episode 6
Diffusé le : 19/01/2010
Delighted that her innocence has been proven, Yoo-gyeong plants a kiss on Hyun-wook's cheek. She then stares at Hyun-wook, who is flustered over the surprise kiss, and runs out of the elevator when the doors open. Seok-ho learns that San is the owner of La Spera while overhearing San talking with Mr. Seol. When Hyun-wook says that he doesn't get romantically involved with anyone in his kitchen, Yoo-gyeong meekly asks if having a crush on someone is permissible. San individually meets the restaurant workers one by one and tells them that while La Spera closes down for three days, he would like them to come up with new menu offerings to revive the restaurant. While shopping at the fish market, Yoo-gyeong bumps into Hyun-wook. She suggests that Hyun-wook tag along with her to purchase live filefish from a fishing port. (
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