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Episode 7
Diffusé le : 25/01/2010
Yoo-gyeong and Hyun-wook pick a huge filefish at the fish market and Hyun-wook makes a raw fish dish out of it. He hands the fish liver to Yoo-gyeong to eat. San calls Yoo-gyeong and gets a little uncomfortable when he hears that Yoo-gyeong is with Hyun-wook. San suggests that Hyun-wook attend a charity event instead of entering a cooking contest because he'd rather have Sae-young enter the contest. Inviting Yoo-gyeong over to his home, Hyun-wook instills Yoo-gyeong with confidence that she can become a good chef. Yoo-gyeong receives another demanding training session from Hyun-wook. On the day of the cooking contests, each entrant reveals the dish that they'll make. Everyone is surprised to see Sae-young appear as a contest entrant. After completing the charity event, Hyun-wook hurries to La Spera. (
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