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Episode 9
Diffusé le : 01/02/2010
Hyun-wook asks Yoo-gyeong to think about why he can't like her. However, Yoo-gyeong replies that she can only come up with a string of reasons why he can like her. Sae-young confides in San that she would like to be acknowledged by Hyun-wook as an excellent chef and then she approaches Hyun-wook and asks him to maintain a strictly professional relationship at work. But Hyun-wook and Sae-young keep disagreeing in the kitchen. Yoo-gyeong tells Hyun-wook that she'd like to listen to both him and Sae-young. Meanwhile, an accident occurs in the kitchen when a hot frying pan is tossed into the air and just as it's about to hit Hyun-wook, Yoo-gyeong jumps in front of him to protect him... (
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