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Episode 10
Diffusé le : 02/02/2010
Yoo-gyeong gets giddy with happiness when she recalls the moment when Hyun-wook held her hand. Hyun-wook gets jealous when he sees San talking to Yoo-gyeong in a tender way. Yoo-gyeong is happy to hear Hyun-wook tell her that he'll treat her nicer than the way San treats her. Hyun-wook playfully pinches Yoo-gyeong's lips together with a clam when she doesn't stop laughing. Sae-young has a disagreement with the three chefs who went to culinary school in Italy over the soup they'll make. The three chefs storm out of the kitchen and take Yoo-gyeong with them. Yoo-gyeong gets a call from Hyun-wook and he asks her to force the three to return to the restaurant immediately. So she's at her wit's end on what to do. Mr. Seol, the three chefs, the cooking staff and Yoo-gyeong enter the kitchen at the exact same moment. (
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