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Episode 12
Diffusé le : 09/02/2010
When Eun-soo announces that he’ll quit, everyone at La Spera is shocked to hear it. Hyun-wook calls Eun-soo to his office. But Hyun-wook is rendered speechless when Eun-soo tells him that he knows that Hyun-wook is dating Yoo-gyeong. Yoo-gyeong gets disappointed with Eun-soo over his decision to quit as she takes over his duties as assistant cook. Yoo-gyeong goes to see Eun-soo at a bar where he has found a new job. She implores him to return to the restaurant but Eun-soo steadfastly refuses. Hyun-wook spies San posting a photo of a cactus plant in Yoo-gyeong’s locker. When the part-time worker they hired at the kitchen quits, Yoo-gyeong gets exasperated and asks Hyun-wook to personally talk to Eun-soo about returning to La Spera. Hyun-wook tells Yoo-gyeong the truth about why he can’t do that. (
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