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The Partridge Family
Précédent  1x19 Suivant
To Play or Not to Play?
Diffusé le : 05/02/1971
When the Partridges arrive at a nightclub called "The Two Hall Inn" Laurie receives a warm greeting from an old friend Marc Baldwin. Marc, who once attended Laurie's high school, is putting himself through college by working at the club. There's barely enough time for introductions when club owner Harry Marino comes out, orders Marc back to the kitchen and the family inside for rehearsals. After Shirley and the kids run through one number, they see Marc come storming out of the kitchen with Marino shouting right behind him. Laurie learns that Marc and the rest of the Marino's employees (all of whom are college students) are going to strike... for better pay and better working conditions since the kitchen is hazardously outdated. Laurie, deciding it would be morally wrong to cross their picket lines refuses to perform. Shirley realizes Laurie's sense of moral obligation, but there's also the family's legal obligation to consider. (
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