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The Drew Carey Show
Précédent  6x26 Suivant
Bananas (1)
Diffusé le : 23/05/2001
Drew suggests that Winfred-Louder open a women's store. The board agrees, and Mr. Wick appoints Drew as manager of the new store. Mimi objects, but Wick appeases her by giving her Drew's old job and letting her abuse her power for personal gain. Drew is overwhelmed by the work required to get the store ready for opening, and cannot find any time to sleep. His behavior becomes increasingly erratic. He runs out of the new store site in a panic after the mannequins stage a revolt. Kate suggests that Mimi might be responsible for Drew's problems, but Drew points out that Mimi always brags about her pranks. Drew hears some parrots taunting him from the trees outside his house and throws firecrackers at them. He is apprehended by the police and placed in a sanitarium. The doctor agrees that Drew is not crazy, and that his behavior was the result of stress and sleep deprivation. However, he must be observed for 72 hours and will miss the opening. Mimi visits Drew and admits that sh (
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