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Saved by the Bell: The New Class
(Sauvés par le gong : La Nouvelle Classe)
Précédent  3x07 Suivant
Maria's Movie Star
Diffusé le : 07/10/1995
Maria waits on her heartthrob, actor Justin Wells, at the Rockin' Rice Japanese restaurant where she works at the mall. He's come there hoping to see his new movie with a regular audience. Maria vows to keep his secret and he asks her to go to the movie with him. She and Justin have fun spending the day together--he even works in the restaurant! At the movie that night, Justin kisses Maria. He plans to spend another day with Maria, but Ryan overhears the conversation and arranges a personal appearance for the movie star at the Splash Video store without his approval. When Justin finds out he thinks Maria has betrayed him, but it all gets straightened out. Sadly, Justin departs after receiving a call from his agent, giving Maria one last kiss. Also, Rachel is supposed to work for Lindsay at the video store so she can go out with Ryan, but Rachel goes shopping instead, causing Lindsay to lose her job. Screech holds a contest at the sporting goods store to guess the number of jellybeans i (
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