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Kötü Kan
(Dark Legacy)
Précédent  1x03 Suivant
Episode 3
Diffusé le : 20/09/2024
Oktay’s disappearance hits the club like a bombshell. When Oktay’s phone records reveal he had been in contact with Şule, Fevzi’s anger turns toward Kartal. Fevzi’s wife, Türkan, has an almost instinctive feeling that something terrible has happened to her son and pressures Fevzi to find Oktay. Meanwhile, Şahin struggles under the weight of the death he caused, and Burhan, noticing his son’s unusual behavior, gets him to talk and learns the truth. As time passes, there is no sign of Oktay, neither dead nor alive. On the brink of a major conflict between Fevzi and Burhan, Nazan turns to Kartal for help as a last resort. While Kartal tries to stop the impending war under the shadow of drawn weapons, a phone call from his father threatens to upend all plans. (
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