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S Club 7
Précédent  3x04 Suivant
Doing the Deal
Diffusé le : 18/10/2001
Dean tells them that they don't have a record deal, so he sends out demos to various record companies. He also gets them a house in advance. If they don't have a deal, S Club 7 is dead again. Stuck at their new home, they all wait for their call. But Hannah decides to go out with her new boyfriend, Charlie. She comes home and decides she wants to break up with her boyfriend, after finding him boring. Once again, they still have to wait for the phone call, but no one ever calls. Hannah then tells Jo that her boyfriend is late. Jo then tells her that she he isn't coming because, Jo told Charlie, that she wants to break up with him, and said she is seeing him now. Jo and Hannah go into a little feud, and Dean persuades the record deal to the so called ""best"" record company. The feud goes out of hand, but Jo dumps Charlie, saying that Hannah was right. Then the record executives, wants to hear the S Club 7 perform. They perform, and they decide to pick them up. (
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