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Fade Out, Fade In
Diffusé le : 20/09/1977
After Maj. Margaret Houlihan-Penobscott leaves for her honeymoon, Maj. Frank Burns becomes very distraught, so Potter sends him on R&R. As they deal with the physical and psychological wounds in a heavy load of casualties, members of the 4077th wonder why Maj. Burns is late in returning from R&R and why Margaret returned from her honeymoon in a deep funk. Soon they learn that Maj. Burns has been arrested for antics with a general and his wife in Seoul; later, Hawkeye and BJ will discover that Margaret has already encountered marital troubles. Radar gets a temporary replacement for Maj. Burns: a Major Charles Emerson Winchester III. Maj. Winchester arrives at the 4077th, only to painfully discover that he's the permanent replacement after Frank Burns is thoroughly examined, uncannily acquitted, undeservingly promoted (to Lt. Colonel!!!), and quickly transferred to a VA hospital in Indiana. (
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