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Shugo Chara!
Précédent  3x24 Suivant
Believe! In My Pure Heart!
Diffusé le : 20/03/2010
Amu and Tadase separate with the rest of the guardians and make their way to Rikka's room, inside, they find her room all messed up and torn. They notice Rikka hunched over crying as she explains that she was hiding X Eggs in her room. She begins explaining about the X Egg 'bursting' and Tadase explains that under too much stress, the egg will break. Rikka starts crying again as Amu gets angry and yells at Rikka, knocking some senses into her. She transformes with Diamond and heads towards the rest of the guardians. Amu uses Twinkle Hold but it failed. Rikka approaches the X Eggs only to have them back away. One egg is close to cracking but Rikka leaps towards the egg, stopping it from breaking. She promises to the other eggs that she would not make them feel lonely anymore. This triggers her transformation with Hotaru into Pure Feeling. Together, Amu and Rikka purify the eggs using Open Heart, and the eggs thank Rikka for the good times they had and that she listened to them, before returning to their owners again. After that, Amu goes home only to find that Ikuto is hiding under the blankets of her bed. (
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