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Diffusé le : 31/10/1985
Vultureman summons Ratar-O to take him to the planet of the Snarfs to capture one of them and use it as ransom with the Thundercats. Snarf, thinking his entire race was wiped out when Thundera blew up, finds out that they have captured Snarfer, his little nephew. The Thundercats set out to find the Mutants and save Snarfer. After successfully saving Snarfer, the Thundercats are faced with the problem of returning Snarfer to his planet. Panthro cleverly invents the Feliner, a spaceship. In order for it to work, though, the machine need a hyperspace mega-condenser. Snarf reminds him that there is one on Ratar-O's Ratstar. The Thundercats once again pursue the Mutants to the wreckage site of the Ratstar to take their mega-condenser. (
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