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Diffusé le : 27/09/1989
Vultureman escapes from exile by hijacking a bookmobile. He finds a disk containing ancient history about two powerful evil forces on Third Earth: Mumm-Ra and his enemy Zaxx. Zaxx used a Rosencrest medallion, but Zaxx was defeated when Mumm-Ra stole the medalion trapping Zaxx in it. Vultureman plots to get the medalion, defeat Mumm-Ra, and rule the universe. So Zaxx uses Vultureman to find and defeat Mumm-Ra. But there's a terrible ""side effect"" to the medalion, anyone who wears it loses his own life and BECOMES Zaxx. When Vultureman learns of this, he changes his mind. The Thundercats get caught in this situation when Vultureman attacks Panthro and Snarf and after they crash, Snarf dissappears. Zaxx then uses Snarf to attack Mumm-Ra and Zaxx takes over Snarf's body. The other Thundercats arrive and save Snarf. Mumm-Ra defeats Zaxx once more by takin the medalion, but the pyramid also collapses on Mumm-Ra. (
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