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The Bold and the Beautiful
(Amour, Gloire et Beauté)
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Ep. #4963
Diffusé le : 26/12/2006
Jackie worries that Clarke's designs are not going to cut it for their first showing. Nick is preoccupied with thoughts of Jerry. Jackie freaks out when he seems obsessed with getting to the truth. Nick calls Taylor and asks for a meeting right away. Stephanie later drops in on Jackie and laughs that their designs are just copies of old gowns designed by Eric. Jackie and Stephanie bicker about Nick, during which Stephanie blames Jackie for Nick's behavior. Taylor attempts to bring back memories hidden within Nick of his childhood. Nick gets frustrated when he can't recall why he hated Jerry. Suddenly, Nick remembers Jackie making love with Jerry and how he used to pay her. Nick realises that many sailors used to come by and they all gave money for sex. (
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