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The Bold and the Beautiful
(Amour, Gloire et Beauté)
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Ep. #4982
Diffusé le : 23/01/2007
Brooke, Thorne and Ridge have a meeting with Arthur Harrison, one of their loyal distributors. Arthur agrees to come on board for their new company and the designs for which they will produce. Brooke and Ridge discuss the old days of Forrester Creations and make love in his new office. Nick invites Taylor to lunch, she reminds him that she is engaged to Thorne. Nick insists that it will be strictly friends. Nick and Taylor talk about her life before they met and bond over chicken wings at Chuck's Bar. Phoebe questions Taylor when she learns about her lunch with Nick. Phoebe wonders if their something going on between them. Nick sets up a meeting with Arthur and makes a proposal of buying out Harrison Boutiques. (
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