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Days of our Lives
(Des jours et des vies)
Précédent  34x06 Suivant
Ep. #8556
Diffusé le : 01/06/1999
Marlena goes to Stefano's to beg him to help Sami. She asks him to put pressure on the governer to have him give Sami a stay of execution. Marlena passionately recalls how Stefano robbed Sami of both her parents when she needed her the most, and talks hnowing how much he loves his children, and how he knows what it's like to lose them, and begs him to call in a favour. Stefano agrees, but says he might need a favour in return. Marlena agrees to anything. At the Hospital, Roman pulls Kate out of Roberto's room asking what she thinks she's doing. He tells her he can't help them because Joe told him there was no hit out on Franco. Kate talks Roman into talking to Roberto anyway and goes in with him to intimidate Roberto. Roman leaves the room to get a stenographer to take his statement, and Kate takes the oportinuty to further pressure Roberto. She tells him she'll protect his family, keep them from being hunted by the Moroni's, in exchange for him confessing to Franco's murder. (
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