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Days of our Lives
(Des jours et des vies)
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Ep. #8621
Diffusé le : 02/09/1999
In Paris, Bo and John continue to talk about their plan to get Gina out of Hope and come up with the idea to send John to tell her it's over between them. In Salem, after Mike's talk with Alice, he decides she's right and he has to leave town alone to think things over. Mike walks in to Carrie's meeting with Lexie and Maggie and after Winston and Lewis offer him his job back, Mike tells them no and that he's leaving Salem. Nancy and Craig try to contain their enthusiasm and Nancy gives Mike a big bear hug. Mike talks with Carrie in the board room alone and tells her she can't go with him. That after what their love's cost he needs to think things over, and that he'll do it while visiting his son Jeremy in Israel. Mike leaves Carrie devistated, but he knows it's the right thing to do, for now. Over at the police station, Claire McIntyre calls Mickey Horton down to defend her daughter at her arrainment, but angrily refuses. Later on, DA Carson Palmer arrives at Claire's request (
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