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Days of our Lives
(Des jours et des vies)
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Ep. #9294
Diffusé le : 29/04/2002
**from** Bo, Hope and Shawn wake up after spending the night in the nursery with JT. They couldn't bear to be away from him during their last night together. Although JT is happy, the rest of them are down because Glen will be moving to Iowa with JT today. They go downstairs and try to get through the morning, but everyone is on edge. They are all upset when the doorbell rings, but relieved that it's Roman and Jennifer, who are there for support. Hope tries to make breakfast, but her rattled nerves make her all thumbs in the kitchen. Bo confides in Roman that he's not sure if Hope will make it through the day. In the meantime, Jennifer offers some sage advice to Shawn about Belle. Hope and Bo give JT his last bath and Hope tells Jennifer that she wants John to be with them today. Later, Roman tells Bo and Hope that Glen and Barb will be coming at two o'clock to get JT... Belle, Mimi and Chloe all talk on the phone before school. Chloe slips that she knows about Jan's misca (
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